Saturday, August 12, 2006

Just Playing Around

I've been trying to learn how to place photos where I want them in the text, and not just all at the top. Here's my first attempt, a few peaches.

Hey, that actually worked. Let's see if I can do it with this old pastel of a clothesline from last summer.

And now, on my left, a statue in a misty park with a face that didn't turn out.

This is fun.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Farewell Old Friend

We've sold our tent trailer, along with a lot of other things, to help pay for installing a bathroom on the main floor. There's no doubt that we need the bathroom, and it can't be said that we need the trailer, which hasn't left the yard in two years. Still, it wasn't easy to let it go. A very nice family bought it. Their little boy fell in love with our gray cat and carried her around the yard in his arms (she almost as big as he) while his elders made their inspection. I like to think of him tucked into his bunk at night, listening to the loons as he falls asleep. My daughter composed her first two poems, at the age of six, while doing just that.

My Daughter Has Blue Hair

Figures and portraits are my first love, but I hardly ever get models, so my life drawing is rusty. My daughter spent too many childhood hours posing for Mom and can rarely be persuaded to sit for me anymore. Nowadays I can only catch her occasionally when she's dozing on the sofa. She's much prettier than these sketches show. The blue hair is surprisingly flattering to her fair skin, although I don't think it's as nice as her natural ash blond.